
An Infocenter for the latest medicolegal information and news for a hassle free practice.

Product List and Order form         34 downloads

Latest updated pricelist which includes the list of all registers and formats available with us.

ADVISORY for Hospitals and Doctors from Medico-Legal Society of India         33 downloads

As of 28th May 2024 , an ADVISORY for Hospitals and Doctors from Medico-Legal Society of India - Recently various accidents have been reported by the media especially in the Delhi hospital deaths due to fire. Medico-Legal Society of India would like to request all doctors and hospitals across the country to take preventive measures so that the basic principle that DO NO HARM is followed in letter and spirit. All hospitals MUST observe certain precautions.

Pre-operative Medico-legal Tips         80 downloads

Preparing a patient for a surgery is a critical process. Medico-legal problems can be reduced by necessary preparation before the surgery. WHO (World Health Organization) has provided a few guidelines for the medical side of it. In this article as the name suggest we will see Medico-Legal aspects of the pre-operative preparation for an operation.

Fast Hospital         63 downloads

A few techniques that can have a big impact on the patient turnaround time and also drastically increased the experience of the patient.

Unethical Acts         121 downloads

Doctors are always directed in their profession by ethics. All the doctors do abide by these ethics. Few of the aspects are laid down by the judicial system, which are considered unethical. This article states few of these unethical acts.

National Health Policy, 2017         73 downloads

The primary aim of the National Health Policy, 2017, is to inform, clarify, strengthen and prioritize the role of the Government in shaping health systems in all its dimensions

National Policy For Rare Diseases, 2021         28 downloads

The field of rare diseases is complex and heterogeneous. Nevertheless, it is important to take steps, in the short as well as long term, with the objective of tackling rare diseases in a holistic and comprehensive manner.

Living Will         46 downloads

A living will is one form of advance directive, leaving instructions for treatment.

Tips To Prevent Hospital Violence         55 downloads

In this article we would like to look into things that can be done to prevent violence in hospitals in the first place.


An Act further to amend the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.

THE MENTAL HEALTHCARE ACT, 2017         21 downloads

An Act to provide for mental healthcare and services for persons with mental illness and to protect, promote and fulfil the rights of such persons during delivery of mental healthcare and services and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Prescription         92 downloads

The meaning of a prescription in the dictionary is "an instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be issued with a medicine or treatment". In this article we look into all the medico legal aspects that are important while writing a prescription.

Medical Certificate         125 downloads

The following article states a few important medico-legal aspects of a medical certificate.

Medicolegal Aspect of Medicolegal Cases in Casualty         65 downloads

. In the following article we will discuss the finer points and Legal aspects of handling a MLC case in casualty.

THE EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897         18 downloads

An Act to provide for the better prevention of the spread of Dangerous Epidemic Diseases.

Clinical Establishment Act Standard for HOSPITAL, 2010         30 downloads

The Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010 has been enacted by the Central Government to provide for registration and regulation of all clinical establishments in the country with a view to prescribe the minimum standards of facilities and services provided by them.

OPD records – Doctor's FIR of the patient         47 downloads

OPD is the first point of contact between the doctor and thepatient. This article states a few tips or pointers that need to be kept in mind for OPD documentation.

Handling Patient Complaints         26 downloads

Patient satisfaction has two aspects to it - one is the aspect of treatment and the second is the addressing of the complaint. Addressing a complaint is not just important for professional growth but it is the first sign for future medico legal problems to come.

Ethics Regulations, 2002         710 downloads

Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics Regulations, 2002 by Indian Medical Council.


In this article we are going to focus on the responsibilities of physicians towards each other to make their work simpler and smoother for themselves & the patient.

Discharge card         80 downloads

A Discharge card, is a clinical summary written by a health care provider at the end of the treatment, it may be end of a stay at a hospital or an end of series of treatment for the patient. It is a document of communication between the health care provider and the aftercare provider.

SOP on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 in offices         19 downloads

Offices and other workplaces are relatively close settings, with shared spaces like workstations, corridors, elevators & stairs, parking places, cafeteria/canteens, meeting rooms and conference halls etc. and COVID-19 infection can spread relatively fast among officials, staffs and visitors. There is a need to prevent spread of infection and to respond in a timely and effective manner in case suspect case of COVID-19 is detected in these settings, so as to limit the spread of infection.

THE OATH         25 downloads

The Oath BY HIPPOCRATES (Written 400 B.C., Translated by Francis Adams)

Listening: A skill a doctor should have.         20 downloads

"Listen to the patient: He is telling you the diagnosis" Sir William told his fellows at the dawn of the 20th century. Research has shown repetitive evidence that doctors who listen, have better clinical outcomes.

Referral of a Patient         36 downloads

In medico legal terms "Referral is defined as transferring a patient to a different health care facility for better clinical management of the patient". It does not mean transferring responsibility but rather sharing it.


This policy is to ensure that the necessary records and documents are adequately protected and maintained and to ensure that the records that are not current or are no longer needed or are of no value are systematically discarded at the proper time.

CONSENT TO THE RESCUE         32 downloads

"A Unilateral agreement given by the patient to the doctor allowing him to perform a procedure on him/her." Consent is one of the most important documents between a patient and the doctor and establishes the relationship between the two.

LAMA - Left Against Medical Advice         192 downloads

Lama is defined as “A patient who insists on leaving against the express advice of the treating doctor. “

The Indian Medicine Central Council (Post Graduate Ayurveda Education) Amendment Regulations, 2020.         15 downloads

During the period of study, the PG scholar of Shalya and Shalakya shall be practically trained to acquaint with as well as to independently perform the following activities so that after completion of their PG degree, he is able to perform the mentioned procedures independently

THE MENTAL HEALTHCARE ACT, 2017         13 downloads

An Act to provide for mental healthcare and services for persons with mental illness and to protect, promote and fulfil the rights of such persons during delivery of mental healthcare and services and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto

The Drugs (Control) Act, 1950         20 downloads

An Act to provide for the control of the sale, supply and distribution of drugs.

Medico legal Tips for New Clinics         37 downloads

The following article states a few Tips helpful while setting up a new clinic

DOCTOR AND LAW - Part II         46 downloads

Medical and Legal Professions are closely related since the inception of the society. Medical knowledge has always assisted judiciary in solving civil and criminal problems with the help of scientific knowledge acquired from time to time by medical world.

The Drugs (Control) Act, 1950         19 downloads

An Act to provide for the control of the sale, supply and distribution of drugs.

Transplantation of Human Organs Rules, 1995         17 downloads

These rules may be called the Transplantation of Human Organs (Amendment) Rules, 2008. They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

DOCTOR AND LAW         27 downloads

Doctor who is a citizen of this country is naturally required to follow certain laws as an ordinary citizen. But as a medical professional, following the laws related to medicine is a must.



Patients Rights         39 downloads

In India, there are various legal provisions related to Patient’s Rights which are scattered across different legal documents e.g. The Constitution of India, Article 21, Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations 2002; The Consumer Protection Act 1986; Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940, Clinical Establishment Act 2010 and rules and standards framed therein. Mentioned int the document are few of the Patients’ Rights.

Kaizen For Hospitals         34 downloads

. In Japanese "Kai" means "to take apart " and "Zen" means “to make it good”. This method works on simple scientific principles so is widely popular in any kind of industry from automobile service to health. The basics steps of Kaizen are Identify, Analyze, Improve and Implement.

PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, PWD ACT, 1995         20 downloads

An Act to give effect to the Proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of the People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region.


The code of conduct for physicians was well laid out in traditional Indian systems of medicine and do no harm was the underlying universal principles applicable to the prevalent culture and the society. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) issued the Policy Statement on Ethical Considerations Involved in Research on Human Subjects in 1980. Due to rapid advances in biomedical science and technology, new ethical guidelines need to be updated. Latest ones were published in 2017.

Medico¬-Legal Tips for New Hospitals         45 downloads

Starting a new hospital is always a challenge job. The article states a few important pointers for setting up a new hospital.

DRUGS AND COSMETICS ACT, 2005         29 downloads

2nd amendment of the Drugs & Cosmetics acts published in 2005.

Bio Medical Waste Management Rule 2016         38 downloads

Published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) rules were made available to the public on the 3rd June, 2015

10 Tips for A Good Doctor-Patient Relationship         35 downloads

The Relationship between the doctor and the patient is a very delicate one. Though in business terms it is a buyer seller relationship, it has got far more implications to it than just give and take. It is more of a seeker and a giver relationship. Here are 10 tips for a Good Doctor-Patient relationship

The Pharmacy Act_1948         22 downloads

The Pharmacy Bill, 1947, having been passed by the Legislature received its assent on 4th March, 1948. The acts states in details about the rules and regulations to be followed.

National Guidelines for HIV Testing National 2015         22 downloads

Accurate and prompt laboratory diagnosis of HIV is a critical component of HIV prevention program and is managed by the Laboratory Services Division of NACO. As an integral part of the programme implementation, NACO has coordinated the revision of a HIV testing manual to facilitate high quality diagnosis throughout the laboratory network. Here are the revised guidelines that will help in improving the quality of testing at the laboratories.

Hospital Infection Control Guidlines         37 downloads

A manual on Hospital Infection Control Guidlines, by ICMR Antimicrobial Stewardship Program.

Guidelines for Good Clinical Laboratory Practices (GCLP)         23 downloads

Guidelines for Good Clinical Laboratory Practices (GCLP) , a document published by ICMR, outlines the principles and procedures to be followed by medical laboratories involved in clinical research and/or patient care so as to provide quality data which can be used for health research and patient treatment.

DISABILITY CERTIFICATE (In case of other multiple disabilities)         21 downloads

A Certificate of Disability attesting a person of other multiple disabilities like: Locomotor disability, Muscular Dystrophy, Leprosy cured, Cerebral Palsy, Acid attack Victim, Low vision, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Speech and Language Disability, Intellectual Disability, Specific Learning Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Mental illness, Chronic Neurological Conditions, Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Haemophilia, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell Disease.

DISABILITY CERTIFICATE (In case of multiple disabilities)         18 downloads

A Certificate of disability for a person in case of other multiple (more than one) disabilities

DISABILITY CERTIFICATE (In cases of amputation complete/ temporary)         17 downloads

A certificate attesting to disability in a person in cases of amputation or permanent/temporary paralysis of limbs

CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY (In case of Blindness)         19 downloads

A certificate attesting that a person is visually impaired or completely blind.


A act introduced in the pralement of India to ammed the MTP of 1971.. A long due pendingg act brought up

Containment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019         26 downloads

Containment Plan for COVID-19 by the governmenrt of India, this document issues guide lines and precautions for COVID-19


An Act to provide for the registration and inspection of nursing Homes in the Province of Bombay and for certain purpose.

PCPNDT Act         72 downloads

The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994, was enacted and brought into operation from 1st January, 1996, in order to check female foeticide. Please print a copy and keep it next to your machine.

MTP Act         195 downloads

An Act to provide for the termination of certain pregnancies by registered medical practitioners and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto